Mr. Mo Kwong Lam (dearly known as MK) was born in Shanghai on April 4, 1952, and his ancestral home was Shiqi, Zhongshan. His father Chak Kui Lam went to Shanghai from Guangzhou to do business when he was young. There he met MK’s mother, Miss So Po Wong, and started their family. Together they expanded it after giving birth to 3 sons and
Mr. Mo Kwong Lam (dearly known as MK) was born in Shanghai on April 4, 1952, and his ancestral home was Shiqi, Zhongshan. His father Chak Kui Lam went to Shanghai from Guangzhou to do business when he was young. There he met MK’s mother, Miss So Po Wong, and started their family. Together they expanded it after giving birth to 3 sons and 3 daughters (namely MK and 2 elder brothers, 1 elder sister and 2 younger sisters), and the whole family then moved from Shanghai to Hong Kong.
MK and Miss Marian Lee held their wedding ceremony at St. John’s Cathedral in Hong Kong in 1979. They gave birth to their son Jason in 1982 and the family emigrated to Vancouver, Canada in 1993. Jason married Miss Wendy Ho in 2014, and welcomed their son Jake in 2017. Since the birth of his grandson, MK had been in the mode of semi-retirement, enjoying his spare time with Jake. His relationship with the family had been a most harmonious one and he cherished time spent with his family. Therefore, no matter how busy his work could be, he would take time to travel to different places with his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandson. He would also visit his elder brothers and sisters in Hong Kong and Toronto every year.
MK loved travelling ardently. Because of his work, he hadvisited numerous countries and places in the world. What aliving encyclopedia of world travel he was! In recent years, he became fond of trips on cruise ships, enjoying life with family and friends. Those who know MK well find that he liked to be among people. He was forthright, generous and treated others with sincerity. As a result, he had made many good friends. Brothers and sisters at church called MK by a name in Chinese meaning “Boss” or “Big Brother” as a gesture of endearment. It is all because he cared for the family in Christ. Besides organizing birthday celebrations for many, he caused gatherings big or small to happen, aiming to bring happiness to everyone. In these celebrations and gatherings, MK was seen holding his camera, taking pictures for all who were present. He would then spend time developing or touching up the photos before sending them individually to the various persons in the pictures. His forthright character shone when he unreservedly offered to give advice, like a Big Brother does, when he noticed something not going right. Not everyone dares to give advices, but those on the receiving end would often thank MK in person afterwards for his sincere reminders. He was earnest with what he did, having high expectations. Every time he held a dinner party at home, he would ensure everything was in perfect order: table setting, appetizers, snacks, drinks, menus, cooking ingredients, qualityof food, order of dish-serving, guests combinations, seating arrangements… Name it, and he would thoughtfully take care of every finest detail to make the guests feel at home. MK valued family affection and friendship. He never took these relationships for granted. Therefore, he would volunteer his thoughts and time to cultivate tie and bonding in the family and among friends. His efforts included taking the initiative to get in touch with old friends and classmates, wholeheartedly organizing gatherings and treating relatives and friends with genuine sincerity.
MK liked to play tennis when he was young. He began to take up social dancing in his middle age and studied under many world champions. After immigrating to Canada, he liked to cook and entertain friends and relatives at home. On Christmas Day in the past years, he would invite nearly 40 brothers and sisters from the church to celebrate the birth of Christ.
MK joined Hong Kong Japan Airlines in 1973 and successively served as the head of different departments of the company. In 1993, he was commissioned by the company to serve as themanaging director of JAL Select and Satellite Travel Agency. He served as a council member of Hong Kong Outbound Tour Council as well as the consultant and member of the Arbitration Committee of The Hong Kong Tourism Association. The name of MK Lam was renowned in Hong Kong air travel and tourism industries.
When MK immigrated to Vancouver, Canada in 1993, he founded the JBC Travel Alliance of Canada and had been serving as the CEO of the group. The group includes JBC Travel, Peninsula Travel and Tours Inc., Prince Travel Ltd., Harvest Travel, Signature Travel, Hello China and other travel agencies and brands. MK had a strong rapport with major airlines, cruise companies, tourism bureaus of various locations and colleagues from other travel agencies. He participated in coordinating the annual New Year's dinner of the Vancouver Chinese Travel Agency Association and met with elites in the travel industry over regular dinners to strive for interest of the industry.
MK was enthusiastic about charitable and social services. He had served as the president and council member of the Vancouver Cathay Lions Club and the council member of the BC Chinese Business Development Association. He actively participated in various SUCCESS Foundation fundraising activities. He also served in the Anglican Richmond Emmanuel Church as well as actively participated in various church activities.
Mr. Mo Kwong Lam created a great career by his personal efforts and striving for excellence. His family had been blissful and blessed. He had given all the best he could to his family, and was dearly connected with his brothers, sisters and all family members. Having acquaintances all over the world, Mk was esteemed as a leader presenting leadership qualities of a typical Boss and Big Brother. In the days of peace and stability, he never forgot to take care of the old, the weak, the lonely, and the widowed. With his keenness for goodness and charity, he kept giving back to the society in enthusiasm and generosity. Looking back at MK's life being full of wonderful chapters, there is no further regret on earth. In the company of his familyin Richmond Hospital in Vancouver, he departed peacefully and returned to Heaven on April 5, 2021, at the age of 6
林慕光先生(人稱MK)於1952年4月4日在上海出生,祖籍中山石岐。父林澤樞先生年青時由廣州前往上海經商,在當地結識林母黃蘇寶女士並組織家庭。婚後誕下3子3女 (即MK和2位兄長,1位姐姐和2位妹妹),其後舉家由上海移居香港。
MK 1979年與Marian李美瑩女士於香港聖約翰座堂舉行結婚典禮,婚後於1982年誕下兒子Jason 林頌恩,並於1993年舉家移民加拿大溫哥華。兒子Jason於2014年與Wendy 何欣欣小姐結婚,孫仔Jake林文禧於2017年出生。自從孫兒出世後,MK就處於半退休狀態,閒來弄孫為樂。他與家人關係融洽,每每非常珍惜與家人相聚的時刻,所以每年無論工作有多忙碌,都會抽空與妻子兒媳孫兒去不同的地方旅遊,及每年都會飛香港和多倫多探望兄長和姊妹
林慕光先生(人稱MK)於1952年4月4日在上海出生,祖籍中山石岐。父林澤樞先生年青時由廣州前往上海經商,在當地結識林母黃蘇寶女士並組織家庭。婚後誕下3子3女 (即MK和2位兄長,1位姐姐和2位妹妹),其後舉家由上海移居香港。
MK 1979年與Marian李美瑩女士於香港聖約翰座堂舉行結婚典禮,婚後於1982年誕下兒子Jason 林頌恩,並於1993年舉家移民加拿大溫哥華。兒子Jason於2014年與Wendy 何欣欣小姐結婚,孫仔Jake林文禧於2017年出生。自從孫兒出世後,MK就處於半退休狀態,閒來弄孫為樂。他與家人關係融洽,每每非常珍惜與家人相聚的時刻,所以每年無論工作有多忙碌,都會抽空與妻子兒媳孫兒去不同的地方旅遊,及每年都會飛香港和多倫多探望兄長和姊妹。
MK 於1973年加入香港日本航空公司,並先後出任公司不同部門主管,並於1993年被公司派往出任日航天地和衛星旅行社董事總經理,又先後擔任香港外遊協會理事,香港旅遊協會顧問及仲裁委員會委員,MKLam的名字在香港航空和旅遊業界實在是廣為人知。
MK於1993年移民加拿大溫哥華時創辦了加拿大日信旅運JBC Travel Alliance 並一直擔任集團行政總裁,集團旗下有日信旅運、惠人旅遊、太子旅遊、Harvest Travel、Signature Travel, 心思路,Hello China等旅行社和品牌。MK 與各大航空公司、郵輪公司、各地旅遊局和旅行社同業關係良好,並參與統籌每年一度溫哥華華人旅行社聯會新年聚餐的籌備工作及定期與旅遊業界的行家聚餐,為業界爭取利益。
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